„The smartest man on Facebook“: Indie publisher Nikola Richter on bringing Aboud Saeed from Syria to Germany’s printed world.
April 2022: Alexander Wells in Exberliner about NACHTS WACH
Exberliner’s book editor has read NACHTS WACH by Berthe Arlo and hopes that literature „can bring the hidden to light…
19. November 2015: Aboud Saeed schreibt wöchentliche Kolumne für VICE Germany
Syronics on Speed, so heißt die wöchentliche Kolumne, die Aboud Saeed fortan für VICE Germany schreiben wird. Hier ist sein…
2. Februar 2015: Aboud Saeed interviewed for renowned Coldfrontmag
Long interview by Jennifer MacKenzie and Omar Andron with lots of insights into Aboud’s view on the revolution in Northern…