Jeferson Tenório, born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, in 1977, lives in Porto Alegre. He is currently doing a PhD in literary theory at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul. His debut novel O beijo na parede (Eng. The kiss on the wall, Editora Sulina, 2013) was named Book of the Year in 2013 by the Associação Gaúcha de Escritores. Jeferson’s texts have been adapted for the theatre, and his stories have been translated into English and Spanish. His second novel Estela sem Deus (Eng. Estela without God, Zouk) was published in 2018, followed in 2020 by O avesso da pele (Eng. The other side of the skin, Companhia das Letras), which was celebrated by audiences and critics alike.