25. Januar 2016: Al Arab begeistert von Aboud Saeed

Aboud Saeed is this friend that you do not admit that you hate, he is this friend that you are obliged to deal with for a reason you forgot. He is this friend that you can’t ignore… he will yell and shout and steal your woman, but he is inevitable. You host him at your home, then pray God he will never show up again on your front door. Aboud Saeed is just like this birthmark on his forehead, you cannot remove, unless you gain a scar. Aboud Saeed is inevitable… there is no solution, Aboud Saeed will not write seriously, unless everybody else stops writing!

Al Arab Newspaper, Ammar Al Maamoun, 25 January 2016

One of the the many great reviews that Aboud Saeed got for his book lately published with هاشيت أنطوان Hachette Antoine.