On its third workshop of the year, ReBoot presents new models to conceptualize publishing processes and business. And since the event happens inside Bologna Book Plus, in a partnership with the Bologna Book Fair, there will be a special focus on publishing for young audiences.
2PM (CET) | Welcome and an opening dialogue on new models (speakers to be announced)
2:45PM (CET) | The new model publishing initiatives that every book professional should know
⮕ With Laura Nevanlinna (Ferly), Bianka Albrecht (BoD), Susanne Bohne (author) Nikola Richter (Mikrotext)
3:30PM (CET) | New publishing models for the little ones
⮕ With Markus Langer (Tonies), Inken Schröder (HeldenstückeLIVE) and more.
4:30 (CET) | New Learning: initiatives reshaping learning and digital
⮕ With guest curator Kate Worlock (Outsell) and more
5:30PM (CET) | Networking at Wonder.me.
BoD developed its groundbreaking concept already in 1997 inside the Germany-based Libri Group: to publish books via print-on-demand with distribution across the entire book trade. Today, BoD is a leading company in digital book printing and self-publishing in Europe.
Ferly, formerly Kaiken Publishing, started as the publishing arm for “Angry Birds” in Finland, and then went global again as an entertainment company specializing in “the unexpected”.
HeldenstückeLIVE is a platform developed by Verlagsgruppe Oetinger, a publisher for children’s and family books, with the goal of bringing live events to any book’s dedicated community.
Mikrotext is a Berlin-based digital publisher, founded eight years ago. Mikrotext works with crowdfunding, experiments with author collectives, and organized its own society of friends.
Tonies (by Boxine GmbH) is an audio system that two-year-olds can operate, six-year-olds can own with their favorite books, and eight-year-olds will use for recording their own stories, all by themselves. A uniquely successful story of innovation and inventiveness.
(This program is being updated regularly. Check it again, here: https://rebootbooks.org/2021/01/workshop-3-b-navigating-to-new-islands-and-sailing-with-the-winds-of-change